2020 SFD Virtual Awards Banquet
May 08, 2020
Seward Fire Department Holds Annual Awards Banquet Virtually
The Seward Fire Department celebrated another successful year of serving the community at its annual awards banquet Wednesday April 22nd 2020. Due to the circumstances surrounding the COVID-19, this year’s banquet was unique in that it was held entirely online via Zoom. Every year we honor the bravery, sacrifice, and dedication of our members through these awards; this year’s recipients are examples of these qualities. The awardees are nominated by their peers for exceptional service to their community during the previous year. “The City of Seward is fortunate to have these dedicated members that sacrifice their time and energy, selflessly, and I am lucky enough to call them my family, and I am proud of all their great accomplishments.” said Seward Fire Chief Clinton Crites.
The following individuals were recognized for their special achievements in 2019:
Firefighter of the Year: Lisa Musick
Distinguished Service Award: David Squires
Chief’s Award: Katrina Rix
Community Service Award, Individual Citizen: Mandy Jacobs
Community Service Award, Organization: ODOM Corporation, Tracy Estes
Most Calls Ran (195): Riley Shurtleff
Most Training Hours (382.35): Riley Shurtleff
The Seward Fire Department along with its dedicated volunteers responded to 300 calls for service in 2019. Not all volunteers are Firefighters, the fire department has non-certified (Auxiliary) members that assist with many other aspects of the department.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer Firefighter or Auxiliary member please give us a call at 224-3445 or send us an email to Sewardfd@cityofseward.net. Men and women with almost every skill set are needed. We are always looking for new talent interested in giving back to their community.

Seward Fire Department Achieves ISO Public Protection Classification of Class 3/3Y
November 04, 2019
The Seward Fire Department is proud to announce the City of Seward has completed its Public Protection Classification (PPC) evaluation by Insurance Services Office, Inc. and effective February 1, 2020, the City of Seward will have a PPC of Class 3/3Y. The split score reflects SMIC. Seward has improved from a rating of Class 4/4Y from our 2014 evaluation by increasing its overall score by 5.41 points. The ISO Schedule develops a PPC number on a relative scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being the very best and 10 representing less than minimum recognized fire protection. The Seward Fire Department is one of only 11 registered departments (out of 232) in the entire State of Alaska with an ISO Classification of 3 or lower. There are only two communities in Alaska with a Class 1 rating.
Seward Firefighters Earn 3 of 5 Awards at Alaska Fire Conference
October 03, 2016
Seward firefighters Lt. Jilian Chapman, Chief Eddie Athey, and Lt. Austin Chapman were presented with awards at the Alaska Fire Conference on September 24, 2016 in Fairbanks. Each year a total of five awards are given at the statewide conference; this year Seward took home an unprecendented three of them.
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